

Founder & Educational Psychologist, VR Social Skill Trainer for Kids

PI: Dr. Gal Raz

VR Social Skills Trainer

The project will be conducted in 3 stages:
Stage 1 – Development of the bullying scenario with an embodiment and visual metaphor options.
Stage 2 - The participants (60 children with social difficulties on a variety of backgrounds: attention difficulties, emotional difficulties, learning disabilities) will complete several questionnaires (including Social Skills Rating System- SSRS (Gresham & Eliot, 1990), Checklist Behavior Child – CBCL (Achenbach, 1991). The children will be divided to 3 groups: one group (20 children) will be given the session - handling bullying through regular VR device. The second group (20 children) will be given the embodied condition (the same session with an embodiment device), the third group (20 children) – will be given the virtual metaphor condition (visual metaphor and embodiment). This session duration is about 20 min.
In stage 3 – all the participated will answer self-esteem and self-efficacy questionnaires, and a knowledge test. at the following two weeks they will participate in a diary study – in order to collect data regarding their reactions and copying in a bullying situations. After finishing the data collecting their results will be compared.  

About me

Hany's bringing over 15 years of relevant experience as rehabilitation psychologist in internship and an expert educational psychologist, that has been working in various services as: Educational psychological services, Beer Yaakov Mental Health Hospital and Sheba Medical Center. Moreover, Hany conducted various researches and participated in many professional conferences.